SAP SWPM Software Provision Manager SL Toolset 1.0 SP22 Startup Options
This is just a rough note on the options and properties we can set upon running apinst when installing a SAP system. Version: [root@host SWPM]# ./sapinst -v [==============================] - extracting... done! INFO 2018-04-19 11:54:56.315 (mainThread) [sixxcreate.cpp:346] ******************************************************************************** Initial log directory: /root/.sapinst/ ******************************************************************************** SAPinst build information: -------------------------- Version: 749.0.47 Build: 1832063 Compile time: Mar 27 2018 - 13:22:27 Make type: optU Codeline: 749_REL Platform: linuxx86_64 Kernel build: 749, patch 426, changelist 1830485 SAP JRE build: SAP...