SAP Client Copy Error: Errors occurred during export of container object FINB-TR-DERIVATION
Reference from: TL;DR - Execute report ABADRCHECK with selected 'DELSTEPS' //alak ==== Client copy is completed with status "Post-Processing Required". There is an error in log for object FINB-TR-DERIVATION: DA300 "No active nametab exists for *some db table*" Name of db table is usually with naming convention: xxyyyysssmmmnnnn (xx - application class, yyyy - strategy ID, sss - system indicator, mmm - client, nnnn - sequence number) These db tables are part of some instance of derivation tool in your system and are used to store Derivation Rule Values. Other terms ABADR, FINB_TR_CC_EXIT, FINB_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET, DA 300, DA300, CC, SCC9, SCCL, SCC3 Reason and Prerequisites During processing CC there was huge workload into your system. CC processcreates new tables to store copied derivation rules. This is done in parallel asynchronous process. But due to workload into system, t...
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